001    //
002    // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v1.0.1-05/30/2003 05:06 AM(java_re)-fcs 
003    // See <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a> 
004    // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
005    // Generated on: 2004.10.11 at 12:13:34 EDT 
006    //
008    /*
009     * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
010     * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
011     */
013    package astronomy.data.spectra.impl.runtime;
015    import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
017    /**
018     * Maintains namespace&lt;->prefix bindings.
019     * 
020     * <p>
021     * This interface extends {@link NamespaceContext} and provides
022     * an additional functionality, which is necessary to declare
023     * namespaced attributes on elements. The added method is for
024     * self-consumption by the marshaller.
025     * 
026     * This object is composed into a Serializer.
027     */
028    public interface NamespaceContext2 extends NamespaceContext
029    {
030        /**
031         * Declares a new namespace binding within the current context.
032         * 
033         * <p>
034         * The prefix is automatically assigned by MarshallingContext. If
035         * a given namespace URI is already declared, nothing happens.
036         * 
037         * <p>
038         * It is <b>NOT</b> an error to declare the same namespace URI
039         * more than once.
040         * 
041         * <p>
042         * For marshalling to work correctly, all namespace bindings
043         * for an element must be declared between its startElement method and
044         * its endAttributes event. Calling the same method with the same
045         * parameter between the endAttributes and the endElement returns
046         * the same prefix.
047         * 
048         * @param   requirePrefix
049         *      If this parameter is true, this method must assign a prefix
050         *      to this namespace, even if it's already bound to the default
051         *      namespace. IOW, this method will never return null if this
052         *      flag is true. This functionality is necessary to declare
053         *      namespace URI used for attribute names.
054         * @param   preferedPrefix
055         *      If the caller has any particular preference to the
056         *      prefix, pass that as a parameter. The callee will try
057         *      to honor it. Set null if there's no particular preference.
058         * 
059         * @return
060         *      returns the assigned prefix. If the namespace is bound to
061         *      the default namespace, null is returned.
062         */
063        String declareNamespace( String namespaceUri, String preferedPrefix, boolean requirePrefix );
064    }