001    package util.wavelet;
002    import java.util.List;
004    /** Set of contiguous wavelet coefficients which exceed a noise threshold.
005     * A structure is defined in a scale with a noise threshold. A structure optionally
006     * contains a reference to its parent structure and a list children structures via
007     * interscale relationships.
008     * A Structure may be a part of a WObject.
009     * A Structure may be due noise if it posseses one of the following properties :
010     * <ol>
011     * <li>It contains very few pixels (the upper limit of which is application specific) and
012     *     it is not connected to any other structure via an InterscaleRelationship</li>
013     * <li>It is located near the boundary of the signal, in which case it might be due to boundary effects</li>
014     * </ol>
015     *
016     * @author John Talbot
017     */
018    public class Structure implements Comparable {
019        /** The scale of the wavelet coefficients. Immutable. */
020        Scale scale;
022        /** The starting position where the multiresolution support switches from 0 to 1. Immutable. */
023        int start;
025        /** The ending position plus 1 where the multiresolution support switches from 1 to 0. Immutable. */
026        int end;
028        /** The parent structure. Null if there is no parent. Usually set by interscale relationship constructor. */
029        Structure parent;
031        /** The list of children. Empty list indicates no children. Usually set by interscale relationship constructor. */
032        java.util.List<Structure> children = new java.util.ArrayList<Structure>(4);
034        /** Set indexOfMaximum to this value to indicate that a LAZY evaluation is required. */
035        static final int NO_POSITION_OF_MAXIMUM = -1;
037        /** The index position of the maximum wavelet coefficient within this Structure (Lazy evaluation). Immutable once set. */
038        int positionOfMaximum = NO_POSITION_OF_MAXIMUM;
040        /** 
041         * Construct the Structure.
042         * @param   scale   wavelet scale of the wavelet coefficients
043         * @param   start   starting position where the multiresolution support switches from 0 to 1
044         * @param   end     ending position plus 1, like Strings etc...)
045         */
046        public Structure(Scale scale, int start, int end) {
047            this.scale = scale;      
048            this.start = start;      
049            this.end   = end;        
050        }
052        /**
053         *  Get the size of the structure as the number of coefficients.
054         * @return    the number of coefficients in this structure
055         */
056        public int getSize() {
057            return end - start;
058        }
060        /** 
061         * Does the given structure overlap this structure 
062         * @param structure a structure which we are checking for overlap
063         * @return     true if this structure overlaps the given structure
064         */
065        public boolean overlaps(Structure structure) {
066            return getOverlap(structure) != null;
067        }
069        /** 
070         * Get the overlap structure between this structure and given structure.
071         * The method is symmetric however the structures must reside in scales which differ by exatly 1,
072         * otherwise null is returned.
073         * @param   structure     the structure in which overlap is sought
074         * @return  a structure located in the structure with the largest scale number and containing the overlap between the structures
075         */
076        public Structure getOverlap(Structure structure) {
077            if (Math.abs(structure.getScaleNumber() - getScaleNumber()) != 1) return null;
078            int startOverlap = (getStart() >= structure.getStart()) ? getStart() : structure.getStart();
079            int endOverlap   = (getEnd()   <= structure.getEnd())   ? getEnd()   : structure.getEnd();
080            if (startOverlap < endOverlap) {
081                Structure upperStructure = (getScaleNumber() > structure.getScaleNumber()) ? this : structure;
082                return new Structure(upperStructure.getScale(), startOverlap, endOverlap);
083            } else {
084                return null;
085            }
086        }
088        /** 
089         * Is the given position contained in this structure.
090         * @param   position   the position
091         * @return  true if the given position is contained in this structure
092         */
093        public boolean contains(int position) {
094            return getStart() <= position && position < getEnd();
095        }
097        /** 
098         * Get the position of the maximum within this structure. 
099         * @return the position of the maximum within this structure
100         */
101        public int getPositionOfMaximum() {
102            if (positionOfMaximum == NO_POSITION_OF_MAXIMUM) {  // LAZY evaluation of indexOfMaximum
103                float maximum = -Float.MAX_VALUE;   // potential BUG: (is this truly the largest negative floating point number?)
104                for (int i = getStart(); i < getEnd(); i++) {
105                    float coefficient = scale.getValue(i);
106                    if (coefficient > maximum) {
107                        maximum = coefficient;
108                        positionOfMaximum = i;
109                    }
110                } 
111            }
112            return positionOfMaximum;
113        }
115        /** 
116         * Get the position at which the maximum wavelet coefficient occurs within the given bounds. 
117         * Precondition : start &le; startLocal &le; end and start &le; endLocal &le; end.
118         * @param startLocal the lower boundary defining the range to search
119         * @param endLocal the upper boundary defining the range to search
120         * @return the position of the maximim within the given range
121         */
122        public int getPositionOfMaximum(int startLocal, int endLocal) {
123            float maximum = -Float.MAX_VALUE;   // potential BUG: (is this truly the largest negative floating point number?)
124            int localPositionOfMaximum = NO_POSITION_OF_MAXIMUM;
125            for (int i = startLocal; i < endLocal; i++) {
126                float coefficient = scale.getValue(i);
127                if (coefficient > maximum) {
128                    maximum = coefficient;
129                    localPositionOfMaximum = i;
130                }
131            }
132            return localPositionOfMaximum;
133        }
135        /** 
136         * Get the maximum wavelet coefficient.
137         * @return the maximum value within the given range
138         */
139        public float getMaximumValue() {
140            return scale.getValue(getPositionOfMaximum());
141        }
143        /** 
144         * Get the maximum wavelet coefficient  within the given range.
145         * @param startLocal the lower boundary defining the range to search
146         * @param endLocal the upper boundary defining the range to search
147         * @return the maximum value within the given range
148         */
149        public float getMaximumValue(int startLocal, int endLocal) {
150            return scale.getValue(getPositionOfMaximum(startLocal, endLocal));
151        }
153        /** 
154         * Get the wavelet coefficients for this structure (zero everywhere else).
155         * @return the wavelet coefficients of this structure
156         */
157        public SimpleSignal getCoefficients() {
158            return getScale().getSubset(getStart(), getEnd());
159        }
161        /** 
162         * Get the wavelet coefficients mask for this structure as ones with zeros everywhere else.
163         * @return the wavelet coefficient mask for this structure
164         */
165        public SimpleSignal getCoefficientsMask() {
166            SimpleSignal mask = new SimpleSignal(getScale().size());
167            for (int i = getStart(); i < getEnd(); i++) mask.setValue(i, 1f);
168            return mask;
169        }
171        /** 
172         * Get the start position of this structure.
173         * @return   the start position
174         */
175        public int getStart() {
176            return start;
177        }
179        /** 
180         * Get the end position of this structure.
181         * @return   the end position
182         */
183        public int getEnd() {
184            return end;
185        }
187        /** 
188         * Get the parent structure or null if unparented.
189         * @return a structure representing a parent or null if unparented
190         */
191        public Structure getParent() {
192            return parent;
193        }
195        /** 
196         * Set the parent structure. Usually set by the interscale relationship constructor.
197         * @param   parent   a structure representing a parent
198         */
199        public void setParent(Structure parent) {
200            this.parent = parent;
201        }
203        /** 
204         * Get a list of children. Empty list if there are no children. 
205         * @return a list of children structures
206         */
207        public java.util.List<Structure> getChildren() {
208            return children;
209        }
211        /** 
212         * Add a child structure. Usually invoked by interscale relationship constructor.  
213         * @param    child    the child structure
214         */
215        public void addChild(Structure child) {
216            children.add(child);
217        }
219        /** 
220         * Get the scale which contains this structure.
221         * @return   the Scale
222         */
223        public Scale getScale() {
224            return scale;
225        }
227        /** 
228         * Get the scale number which contains this structure.
229         * @return   the scale number
230         */
231        public int getScaleNumber() {
232            return scale.getScaleNumber();
233        }
235        /** 
236         * Implemation of the Comparable interface to ease sorting in WOBject.
237         * @param    structure     the structure to compare to
238         * @return   negative if position of this structure is less, zero if equal and positive if more 
239         */
240        public int compareTo(Object structure) {  // Can we use the generic version with type T ?
241            Structure structure2 = (Structure) structure;
242            int scaleNumber1 = getScaleNumber();
243            int scaleNumber2 = structure2.getScaleNumber();
244            if (scaleNumber1 != scaleNumber2)
245                return scaleNumber2 - scaleNumber1;
246            else {
247                int position1  = getStart();
248                int position2  = structure2.getStart();
249                if (position1 != position2)
250                    return position2 - position1;
251                else {
252                    position1  = getEnd();
253                    position2  = structure2.getEnd();
254                    return position2 - position1;
255                }
256            }
257        }
259    }